Cardiac Hospitalist Service (CHS)


Head shot of Salman Rahman

Salman Rahman, MD
Medical Director of AHF Hospitalist Service

Headshot of Teddy Peng

Theodore Peng, MD
Associate Director of Cardiac Hospitalist Service

Advanced Heart Failure (AHF)

The Advanced Heart Failure Hospitalist Service is a collaborative service involving the Division of Hospital Medicine and the Division of Cardiology at UCSF. Hospitalists on the AHF Service are responsible for providing inpatient care to patients with advanced heart failure and pulmonary hypertension, as well as to patients who are pre- and post-heart transplantation. Hospitalists care for these clinically complex patients both in and out of the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit in an open ICU model optimized for continuity of care. The patients are co-managed with a group of AHF cardiologists.

The cardiologists and hospitalists round on patients together and make medical decisions collaboratively. This highly successful co-management model allows for the best possible management of these complex patients—both their general medical problems and advanced cardiac disease.

In addition to daytime responsibilities, AHF Hospitalists take turns working night shifts, cross-covering and admitting new patients to the service. In addition, they assist the Division of Cardiology with cross-coverage of the low acuity Cardiology Procedures Service, the Advanced Lung Disease service, and occasionally assist with low acuity general cardiology admissions (in partnership with the Cardiology Night Hospitalist).

The AHF Hospitalist Service is dedicated to providing excellent specialized medical care to patients with cardiac disease. The AHF Service also exemplifies the unique spirit of collaboration between the Division of Hospital Medicine and Division of Cardiology at UCSF Medical Center.

Cardiac Night Hospitalist

The Cardiac Night Hospitalist is a collaborative service involving the Division of Hospital Medicine and the Division of Cardiology at UCSF. This hospitalist is responsible for admitting patients to the General Cardiology service. In addition, the Cardiac Night Hospitalist cross-covers a subset of general cardiology patients, supervises medicine housestaff on the General Cardiology Service, and participates in nighttime education of housestaff. The hospitalist provides clinical care for a 12 hour shift and signs out to the daytime General Cardiology housestaff teams in the morning. The Cardiac Night Hospitalist works collaboratively with the on-call cardiology team (attending, resident) and as needed with the AHF Hospitalist overnight to ensure outstanding medical and cardiac care for patients overnight.

Please contact Salman Rahman at [email protected] for any questions.