January DHM Publications

Liz Dzeng was interviewed on the GeriPal Podcast. She discussed a recent article on decision-making around end-of-life treatments for older adults with guardians, published by Dr. Andrew Cohen in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, and the accompanying article by Dr. Dzeng around the ethics of advance care planning and surrogate decision-making. Read More
UCSF medical students Natalie Kucirek, Nicholas Thomas, Joshua Norman, and Katrin Jaradeh, and residents Priyanka Athavale and Esther Hsiang, mentored by Lev Malevanchik, published a narrative perspective piece on the social isolation felt by patients with limited English proficiency due to visitor restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. They highlighted Connecting During COVID, the trainee-led videoconferencing initiative facilitating social calls between patients at UCSF and their loved ones, which led UCSF Health to adopt the new role of Inpatient Video Navigator. Read More
More Publications from DHM can be found here