Sirisha Narayana, MD
Associate Professor
Sirisha Narayana cares for patients on the inpatient medicine direct care and teaching services as well as the medicine consultation service at Moffitt-Long hospital. She is the Director of Education for the Division of Hospital Medicine, the Associate Director of the Diagnostic Reasoning (DR.) block in the School of Medicine, and a coach in the School of Medicine's Bridges coaching program. She leads efforts to facilitate clinical management feedback for internal medicine residents and hospital medicine faculty, and studies the effects of longitudinal patient follow-up and informed self-assessment on physician medical decision-making. She is a residency RAD advisor and an MS4 confidential career advisor.
Sirisha also serves on the UCSF Ethics Committee and the Ethics consult service, and is the physician co-lead for the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Care rounds. She is a co-director of the Division of Hospital Medicine's Social Medicine Core, which aims to improve the care of vulnerable populations, address issues of diversity/equity/inclusion for trainees and faculty alike, and engage faculty in issues of health policy and advocacy.
Sirisha also serves on the UCSF Ethics Committee and the Ethics consult service, and is the physician co-lead for the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Care rounds. She is a co-director of the Division of Hospital Medicine's Social Medicine Core, which aims to improve the care of vulnerable populations, address issues of diversity/equity/inclusion for trainees and faculty alike, and engage faculty in issues of health policy and advocacy.