
We work hard to attract, retain, and support the most outstanding faculty, and are proud of their accomplishments, in areas ranging from clinical care to research, from systems improvement to medical education, and in locations that include our clinical sites in San Francisco and others around the globe. Since 2008, over 1600 articles have been published.


Authors: Everett LA, Rahman SA, Afshar AR


Authors: de Bourmont SS, Burra A, Nouri SS, El-Farra N, Mohottige D, Sloan C, Schaeffer S, Friedman J, Fernandez A


Authors: Parks AL, Jeon SY, Boscardin WJ, Steinman MA, Smith AK, Fang MC, Shah SJ


Authors: Subash M, Sakumoto M, Bass J, Hong P, Muniyappa A, Pierce L, Purmal C, Ramaswamy P, Sono R, Uptegraft C, Feinstein D, Khanna R


Authors: Parks AL, Jeon SY, Boscardin WJ, Steinman MA, Smith AK, Fang MC, Shah SJ


Authors: Bayanzay K, Razzeto A, Amoozgar B, Garala P, Holman A


Authors: Mick E, Kamm J, Pisco AO, Ratnasiri K, Babik JM, Castañeda G, DeRisi JL, Detweiler AM, Hao SL, Kangelaris KN, Kumar GR, Li LM, Mann SA, Neff N, Prasad PA, Serpa PH, Shah SJ, Spottiswoode N, Tan M, Calfee CS, Christenson SA, Kistler A, Langelier C


Authors: Simon G Ammanuel, Caleb S Edwards, Andrew K.H Chan, Praveen V Mummaneni, Joseph Kidane, Enrique Vargas, Sarah D’Souza, Amy D Nichols, Sujatha Sankaran, Adib A Abla, Manish K Aghi, Edward F Chang, Shawn L Her vey-Jumper, Sandeep M Kunwar, Paul S Larson, Michael T Lawton, Philip A Starr, Philip V Theodosopoulos, Mitchel S Berger, Michael W McDermott


Authors: Huppert LA, Hsiao EC, Cho KC, Marquez C, Chaudhry RI, Frank J, Goglin SE, Hsu G, Kathpalia P, Khanna R, Kompala T, Rao MN, Bower BA, Trafas V, Santhosh L, Schwartz BS, Babik JM


Authors: Donthi N, Chandrabhatla T, Genovese L, deFilippi C


Authors: Volgman AS, Benjamin EJ, Curtis AB, Fang MC, Lindley KJ, Naccarelli GV, Pepine CJ, Quesada O, Vaseghi M, Waldo AL, Wenger NK, Russo AM


Authors: ACTIV-3/TICO LY-CoV555 Study Group , Lundgren JD, Grund B, Barkauskas CE, Holland TL, Gottlieb RL, Sandkovsky U, Brown SM, Knowlton KU, Self WH, Files DC, Jain MK, Benfield T, Bowdish ME, Leshnower BG, Baker JV, Jensen JU, Gardner EM, Ginde AA, Harris ES, Johansen IS, Markowitz N, Matthay MA, Østergaard L, Chang CC, Davey VJ, Goodman A, Higgs ES, Murray DD, Murray TA, Paredes R, Parmar MKB, Phillips AN, Reilly C, Sharma S, Dewar RL, Teitelbaum M, Wentworth D, Cao H, Klekotka P, Babiker AG, Gelijns AC, Kan VL, Polizzotto MN, Thompson BT, Lane HC, Neaton JD


Authors: Iverson NR, Lau CY, Abe-Jones Y, Fang MC, Kangelaris KN, Prasad P, Shah SJ, Najafi N


Authors: Batten JN, Blythe JA, Wieten S, Cotler MP, Kayser JB, Porter-Williamson K, Harman S, Dzeng E, Magnus D


Authors: Elizabeth Dzeng, J. Randall Curtis, Thea Matthews, Jason Batten, Christine Ritchie, Daniel Dohan