Manisha Israni-Jiang, MD


Manisha Israni is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of California San Francisco. She earned her medical degree in Mumbai, India and then moved to the United States. Dr. Israni completed her residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California in 2008. She was elected as a Chief Resident in Pediatrics and worked as a Hospitalist at USC prior to starting as faculty in 2010.

At UCSF, Manisha attends on the Medicine and Pediatric Teaching Services, Mt. Zion Hospitalist Service and the Adult and Pediatric Urgent Care. She sits on several key Medical Center Committees including Patient Education, Adolescent Transitional Care and Equal Opportunity Academic Senate Committee.

Manisha has particular interest in improving care for young adults with chronic health conditions. She is currently spearheading the transition of care for patients with chronic childhood conditions from pediatrics to adult medicine.