People Publications
Andrew Auerbach, MD
Haematopoietic cell transplantation in patients with Fanconi anaemia using alternate donors: results of a total body irradiation dose escalation trial. British journal of haematology 2000.
MacMillan ML, Auerbach AD, Davies SM, Defor TE, Gillio A, Giller R, Harris R, Cairo M, Dusenbery K, Hirsch B, Ramsay NK, Weisdorf DJ, Wagner JE.
Inactivation of Fac in mice produces inducible chromosomal instability and reduced fertility reminiscent of Fanconi anaemia. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1996.
Chen M, Tomkins DJ, Auerbach W, McKerlie C, Youssoufian H, Liu L, Gan O, Carreau M, Auerbach A, Groves T, Guidos CJ, Freedman MH, Cross J, Percy DH, Dick JE, Joyner AL, Buchwald M.
Fanconi anemia: evidence for linkage heterogeneity on chromosome 20q. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1991.
Mann WR, Venkatraj VS, Allen RG, Liu Q, Olsen DA, Adler-Brecher B, Mao JI, Weiffenbach B, Sherman SL, Auerbach AD.
Carcinogen-induced chromosome breakage in Fanconi's anaemia heterozygous cells. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1978.
Auerbach AD, Wolman SR.
Optimizing learners on direct care teaching services: A qualitative study of hospitalist clinicians at 26 sites. Journal of hospital medicine 2024.
Callister C, Astik G, Atkins RM, Alday A, Dayton K, Keniston A, Linker A, McBeth L, Merriman J, Westergaard S, Yu A, Auerbach A, Burden M.
Identifying and classifying diagnostic errors in acute care across hospitals: Early lessons from the Utility of Predictive Systems in Diagnostic Errors (UPSIDE) study. Journal of hospital medicine 2023.
Dalal AK, Schnipper JL, Raffel K, Ranji S, Lee T, Auerbach A.
Introduction: Improvement and Measurement in the Era of Electronic Health Records. Annals of internal medicine 2020.
Auerbach A, Bates DW.
Out with the Old, in with the New. Journal of hospital medicine 2018.
Auerbach AD.
Risk Factors for Prolonged Length of Stay or Complications During Pediatric Respiratory Hospitalizations. Hospital pediatrics 2015.
Kaiser SV, Bakel LA, Okumura MJ, Auerbach AD, Rosenthal J, Cabana MD.
Perioperative use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risks for adverse outcomes of surgery. JAMA internal medicine 2013.
Auerbach AD, Vittinghoff E, Maselli J, Pekow PS, Young JQ, Lindenauer PK.
Redefining readmission risk factors for general medicine patients. Journal of hospital medicine 2010.
Allaudeen N, Vidyarthi A, Maselli J, Auerbach A.
Impact of reliance on CT pulmonary angiography on diagnosis of pulmonary embolism: a Bayesian analysis. Journal of hospital medicine 2006.
Ranji SR, Shojania KG, Trowbridge RL, Auerbach AD.
Mapping the conformational wave of acetylcholine receptor channel gating. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2000.
Grosman C, Zhou M, Auerbach A.
Estimating single-channel kinetic parameters from idealized patch-clamp data containing missed events. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1996.
Qin F, Auerbach A, Sachs F.
DNA amplification for DQ typing as an adjunct to serological prenatal HLA typing for the identification of potential donors for umbilical cord blood transplantation. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1991.
Pollack MS, Auerbach AD, Broxmeyer HE, Zaafran A, Griffith RL, Erlich HA.
Susceptibility of Fanconi's anaemia fibroblasts to chromosome damage by carcinogens. Nature 1976.
Auerbach AD, Wolman SR.
Measuring the association between diagnostic errors and neighborhood disadvantage. Journal of hospital medicine 2024.
Kaiksow FA, Brendel M, Hubbard CC, Lee T, Chia D, Brooks K, Ruhnke GW, Raffel KE, Goyal A, Kantor MA, Helminski AS, Alday A, Astik GJ, Barish P, Schnipper JL, Auerbach AD.
Performance of point-of-care severity scores to predict prognosis in patients admitted through the emergency department with COVID-19. Journal of hospital medicine 2023.
Prasad PA, Correia J, Fang MC, Fisher A, Correll M, Oreper S, Auerbach A.
Randomized Controlled Trials of Electronic Health Record Interventions: Design, Conduct, and Reporting Considerations. Annals of internal medicine 2020.
Pletcher MJ, Flaherman V, Najafi N, Patel S, Rushakoff RJ, Hoffman A, Robinson A, Cucina RJ, McCulloch CE, Gonzales R, Auerbach A.
Update to Practice Standards for Electrocardiographic Monitoring in Hospital Settings: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation 2017.
Sandau KE, Funk M, Auerbach A, Barsness GW, Blum K, Cvach M, Lampert R, May JL, McDaniel GM, Perez MV, Sendelbach S, Sommargren CE, Wang PJ.
Achieving Hand Hygiene Success With a Partnership Between Graduate Medical Education, Hospital Leadership, and Physicians. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality 2015.
Rosenbluth G, Garritson S, Green AL, Milev D, Vidyarthi AR, Auerbach AD, Baron RB.
Response to DeVita. Journal of hospital medicine 2013.
Auerbach A.
The relationship between case volume, care quality, and outcomes of complex cancer surgery. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2010.
Auerbach AD, Maselli J, Carter J, Pekow PS, Lindenauer PK.
Evaluating the California Hospital Initiative in Palliative Services. Archives of internal medicine 2006.
Pantilat SZ, Rabow MW, Citko J, von Gunten CF, Auerbach AD, Ferris FD.
Activation of muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels by nicotinic and muscarinic agonists. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1999.
Akk G, Auerbach A.
Unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation for Fanconi anemia. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1996.
Davies SM, Khan S, Wagner JE, Arthur DC, Auerbach AD, Ramsay NK, Weisdorf DJ.
Leukemia and preleukemia in Fanconi anemia patients. A review of the literature and report of the International Fanconi Anemia Registry. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1991.
Auerbach AD, Allen RG.
Does curare affect transmitter release? The Journal of physiology 1971.
Auerbach A, Betz W.
Creating Diagnostic Tests for Diagnostic Errors. JAMA internal medicine 2024.
Auerbach AD, Schnipper JL.
Assessing hospitalists' opinions regarding the role of environmental health within the practice of hospital medicine. Journal of hospital medicine 2023.
Gordon LB, Liu KT, Hudak NC, Auerbach A.
Reporting and Implementing Interventions Involving Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Annals of internal medicine 2020.
Bates DW, Auerbach A, Schulam P, Wright A, Saria S.
Associations of Physician Empathy with Patient Anxiety and Ratings of Communication in Hospital Admission Encounters. Journal of hospital medicine 2017.
Weiss R, Vittinghoff E, Fang MC, Cimino JEW, Chasteen KA, Arnold RM, Auerbach AD, Anderson WG.
Harms associated with single unit perioperative transfusion: retrospective population based analysis. BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2015.
Whitlock EL, Kim H, Auerbach AD.
Association between adaptations to ACGME duty hour requirements, length of stay, and costs. Sleep 2013.
Rosenbluth G, Fiore DM, Maselli JH, Vittinghoff E, Wilson SD, Auerbach AD.
Obstructive sleep apnea surgery practice patterns in the United States: 2000 to 2006. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2010.
Kezirian EJ, Maselli J, Vittinghoff E, Goldberg AN, Auerbach AD.
Impact of reduced duty hours on residents' educational satisfaction at the University of California, San Francisco. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2006.
Vidyarthi AR, Katz PP, Wall SD, Wachter RM, Auerbach AD.
Serum choline activates mutant acetylcholine receptors that cause slow channel congenital myasthenic syndromes. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1999.
Zhou M, Engel AG, Auerbach A.
Carrier frequency of the IVS4 + 4 A-->T mutation of the Fanconi anemia gene FAC in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1995.
Verlander PC, Kaporis A, Liu Q, Zhang Q, Seligsohn U, Auerbach AD.
Umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem and repopulating cells in human clinical transplantation. Blood cells 1991.
Broxmeyer HE, Kurtzberg J, Gluckman E, Auerbach AD, Douglas G, Cooper S, Falkenburg JH, Bard J, Boyse EA.
Academic hospitalist perspectives on the benefits and challenges of secure messaging: A mixed methods analysis. Journal of hospital medicine 2024.
Knees M, Keniston A, Yu A, Sakumoto M, Westergaard S, Schwatka N, Peterson R, Kochar A, Auerbach A, Lee T, Burden M.
Prevalence and Causes of Diagnostic Errors in Hospitalized Patients Under Investigation for COVID-19. Journal of general internal medicine 2023.
Auerbach AD, Astik GJ, O'Leary KJ, Barish PN, Kantor MA, Raffel KR, Ranji SR, Mueller SK, Burney SN, Galinsky J, Gershanik EF, Goyal A, Chitneni PR, Rastegar S, Esmaili AM, Fenton C, Virapongse A, Ngov LK, Burden M, Keniston A, Patel H, Gupta AB, Rohde J, Marr R, Greysen SR, Fang M, Shah P, Mao F, Kaiksow F, Sterken D, Choi JJ, Contractor J, Karwa A, Chia D, Lee T, Hubbard CC, Maselli J, Dalal AK, Schnipper JL.
Patterns of multimorbidity in medical inpatients: a multinational retrospective cohort study. Internal and emergency medicine 2020.
Aubert CE, Schnipper JL, Fankhauser N, Marques-Vidal P, Stirnemann J, Auerbach AD, Zimlichman E, Kripalani S, Vasilevskis EE, Robinson E, Metlay J, Fletcher GS, Limacher A, Donzé J.
Appropriate Reconciliation of Cardiovascular Medications After Elective Surgery and Postdischarge Acute Hospital and Ambulatory Visits. Journal of hospital medicine 2017.
Lee JS, Gonzales R, Vittinghoff E, Corbett KK, Fleischmann KE, Sehgal N, Auerbach AD.
Functional impairment and hospital readmission in Medicare seniors. JAMA internal medicine 2015.
Greysen SR, Stijacic Cenzer I, Auerbach AD, Covinsky KE.
Incidence, predictors, and outcomes associated with postoperative atrial fibrillation after major noncardiac surgery. American heart journal 2012.
Bhave PD, Goldman LE, Vittinghoff E, Maselli J, Auerbach A.
Code status discussions at hospital admission are not associated with patient and surrogate satisfaction with hospital care: results from the multicenter hospitalist study. The American journal of hospice & palliative care 2010.
Anderson WG, Pantilat SZ, Meltzer D, Schnipper J, Kaboli P, Wetterneck TB, Gonzales D, Arora V, Zhang J, Auerbach AD.
Long live generalism. Hospital medicine and the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Journal of general internal medicine 2005.
Auerbach AD.
A re-examination of adult mouse nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channel activation kinetics. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1999.
Salamone FN, Zhou M, Auerbach A.
Activation kinetics of recombinant mouse nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: mutations of alpha-subunit tyrosine 190 affect both binding and gating. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1995.
Chen J, Zhang Y, Akk G, Sine S, Auerbach A.
Prenatal identification of potential donors for umbilical cord blood transplantation for Fanconi anemia. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1990.
Auerbach AD, Liu Q, Ghosh R, Pollack MS, Douglas GW, Broxmeyer HE.
A new ballgame: Sabercaremetrics and the future of clinical performance measurement. Journal of hospital medicine 2024.
Liu X, Auerbach AD.
Building a thriving academic hospitalist workforce: A rapid qualitative analysis identifying key areas of focus in the field. Journal of hospital medicine 2023.
Kulkarni SA, Keniston A, Linker AS, Astik GJ, Kangelaris KN, Leykum LK, Sakumoto M, Auerbach A, Burden M.
Expert-augmented machine learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020.
Gennatas ED, Friedman JH, Ungar LH, Pirracchio R, Eaton E, Reichmann LG, Interian Y, Luna JM, Simone CB, Auerbach A, Delgado E, van der Laan MJ, Solberg TD, Valdes G.
Reducing Second Gram-Negative Antibiotic Therapy on Pediatric Oncology and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Services. Infection control and hospital epidemiology 2017.
Wattier RL, Levy ER, Sabnis AJ, Dvorak CC, Auerbach AD.
Predictive value of the present-on-admission indicator for hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism. Medical care 2015.
Khanna RR, Kim SB, Jenkins I, El-Kareh R, Afsarmanesh N, Amin A, Sand H, Auerbach A, Chia CY, Maynard G, Romano PS, White RH.
Is emergency department closure resulting in increased distance to the nearest emergency department associated with increased inpatient mortality? Annals of emergency medicine 2012.
Hsia RY, Kanzaria HK, Srebotnjak T, Maselli J, McCulloch C, Auerbach AD.
Case volume, quality of care, and care efficiency in coronary artery bypass surgery. Archives of internal medicine 2010.
Auerbach AD, Hilton JF, Maselli J, Pekow PS, Rothberg MB, Lindenauer PK.
A note on competing risks in survival data analysis. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2004.
Satagopan JM, Ben-Porat L, Berwick M, Robson M, Kutler D, Auerbach AD.
Mutation analysis of the Fanconi anaemia A gene in breast tumours with loss of heterozygosity at 16q24.3. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1999.
Cleton-Jansen AM, Moerland EW, Pronk JC, van Berkel CG, Apostolou S, Crawford J, Savoia A, Auerbach AD, Mathew CG, Callen DF, Cornelisse CJ.
Activation of recombinant mouse acetylcholine receptors by acetylcholine, carbamylcholine and tetramethylammonium. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1995.
Zhang Y, Chen J, Auerbach A.
Human umbilical cord blood: a clinically useful source of transplantable hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1990.
Broxmeyer HE, Gluckman E, Auerbach A, Douglas GW, Friedman H, Cooper S, Hangoc G, Kurtzberg J, Bard J, Boyse EA.
2024 AHA/ACC/ACS/ASNC/HRS/SCA/SCCT/SCMR/SVM Guideline for Perioperative Cardiovascular Management for Noncardiac Surgery: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation 2024.
Thompson A, Fleischmann KE, Smilowitz NR, de las Fuentes L, Mukherjee D, Aggarwal NR, Ahmad FS, Allen RB, Altin SE, Auerbach A, Berger JS, Chow B, Dakik HA, Eisenstein EL, Gerhard-Herman M, Ghadimi K, Kachulis B, Leclerc J, Lee CS, Macaulay TE, Mates G, Merli GJ, Parwani P, Poole JE, Rich MW, Ruetzler K, Stain SC, Sweitzer B, Talbot AW, Vallabhajosyula S, Whittle J, Williams KA.
COVID-19-Related Publications by Hospitalists in the United States. Cureus 2023.
Bonk N, Elias R, White A, Payne S, Wagner C, Kaiksow F, Sheehy A, Auerbach A, Vaughn VM.
Do the unlabeled response categories of the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire satisfy the monotonicity assumption of simple-summated scoring? Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation 2020.
Uy V, Hays RD, Xu JJ, Fayers PM, Auerbach AD, Black JT, Evangelista LS, Ganiats TG, Romano PS, Ong MK.
Physician Perspectives on Readmission. Journal of general internal medicine 2017.
Herzig SJ, Auerbach AD.
Mobility sensors for hospitalized patients: Quo vadis? Journal of hospital medicine 2015.
Greysen SR, Auerbach AD.
Impact of proactive rounding by a rapid response team on patient outcomes at an academic medical center. Journal of hospital medicine 2012.
Butcher BW, Vittinghoff E, Maselli J, Auerbach AD.
Coverage of FDA medication boxed warnings in commonly used drug information resources. Archives of internal medicine 2010.
Cheng CM, Guglielmo BJ, Maselli J, Auerbach AD.
Effects of hospitalist attending physicians on trainee satisfaction with teaching and with internal medicine rotations. Archives of internal medicine 2004.
Hauer KE, Wachter RM, McCulloch CE, Woo GA, Auerbach AD.
The PISSLRE gene: structure, exon skipping, and exclusion as tumor suppressor in breast cancer. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1999.
Crawford J, Ianzano L, Savino M, Whitmore S, Cleton-Jansen AM, Settasatian C, d'apolito M, Seshadri R, Pronk JC, Auerbach AD, Verlander PC, Mathew CG, Tipping AJ, Doggett NA, Zelante L, Callen DF, Savoia A.
Kinetic properties of NMDA receptors in embryonic Xenopus spinal neurons. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1995.
Zhang Y, Auerbach A.
Transplantation of umbilical cord blood in Fanconi's anemia. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 1990.
Gluckman E, Devergié A, Bourdeau-Esperou H, Thierry D, Traineau R, Auerbach A, Broxmeyer HE.
Maham Awan
Dapsone-induced methemoglobinemia and hemolysis in a woman without G6PD deficiency presenting with idiopathic urticaria. Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2022.
Hu Y, Geere M, Awan M, Leavitt AD, Brown LE, Pearson HJ, Gandelman JS, Kogan SC.
Hypercalcaemia of malignancy: a case of vitamin-D-mediated hypercalcaemia in lymphoma. BMJ case reports 2024.
Mehta K, Awan M, Devlin S, Jassal SK.