People Publications


Nisha Donthi

Spontaneous pneumothorax: An emerging complication of COVID-19 pneumonia. Heart & lung : the journal of critical care 2021.
Ekanem E, Podder S, Donthi N, Bakhshi H, Stodghill J, Khandhar S, Mahajan A, Desai M.

Fast and furious: flecainide toxicity presenting as monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. BMJ case reports 2020.
Donthi N, Chandrabhatla T, Genovese L, deFilippi C.

The clinical spectrum of myocardial injury associated with COVID-19 infection. Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives 2020.
Bakhshi H, Donthi N, Ekanem E, Podder S, Sinha S, Sherwood MW, Tehrani B, Batchelor W.

Chemical-free inactivated whole influenza virus vaccine prepared by ultrashort pulsed laser treatment. Journal of biomedical optics 2015.
Tsen SW, Donthi N, La V, Hsieh WH, Li YD, Knoff J, Chen A, Wu TC, Hung CF, Achilefu S, Tsen KT.

Elizabeth Dzeng, MD, MPH, PhD

Hospital Culture and Intensity of End-of-Life Care at 3 Academic Medical Centers. JAMA internal medicine 2023.
Dzeng E, Batten JN, Dohan D, Blythe J, Ritchie CS, Curtis JR.

Response to "Added Points of Concern About Caring for Dying Patients". AMA journal of ethics 2018.
Craig A, Dzeng E.

Legacy and communication in palliative and end-of-life care: Honoring Dr. J. Randall Curtis. Palliative & supportive care 2023.
Rosa WE, Hadler RA, Dzeng E, Sullivan DR, Epstein AS, Nelson JE.

Reply to Rational Suicide in Older Adults: Not by Default an Ageist Concept. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2018.
Dzeng E, Pantilat SZ.

When Critically Ill Patients with Decision Making Capacity and No Further Therapeutic Options Request Indefinite Life Support. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB 2023.
Batten JN, Dzeng E, Finder S, Blythe JA, Nurok M.

"No Escalation of Treatment" Designations: A Multi-institutional Exploratory Qualitative Study. Chest 2022.
Batten JN, Blythe JA, Wieten SE, Dzeng E, Kruse KE, Cotler MP, Porter-Williamson K, Kayser JB, Harman SM, Magnus D.

A Call for Restorative and Transformative Justice Approaches to Anti-Racism in Medicine. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022.
Eniasivam A, Pereira L, Dzeng E.

Anatomy of a Consult: How a Multidisciplinary Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Team Considers Specialty Palliative Care Consultation (GP722). Journal of pain and symptom management 2022.
Griffin Collins, Hannah Beaman, Alvin Ho, Michelle Hermiston, Harvey Cohen, Elizabeth Dzeng.

How Does Hospital Culture Influence the Intensity of End-of-Life Care? (CO201D). Journal of pain and symptom management 2022.
Elizabeth Dzeng, Jason Batten, Daniel Dohan, J Randall Curtis.

Social Causes of Rational Suicide in Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2018.
Dzeng E, Pantilat SZ.

J. Randall Curtis's Legacy and Scientific Contributions to Palliative Care in Critical Care. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022.
Dzeng E, Merel SE, Kross EK.

Ethical Issues in the Design and Implementation of Population Health Programs. Journal of general internal medicine 2017.
DeCamp M, Pomerantz D, Cotts K, Dzeng E, Farber N, Lehmann L, Reynolds PP, Sulmasy LS, Tilburt J.

Strategies to Promote Goal-Concordant End-of-Life Care in Older Adults with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: Perspectives of United Kingdom Clinicians and Caregivers (GP761). Journal of pain and symptom management 2022.
Amy Sun, Katherine Sleeman, Amy Rosenwohl-Mack, Daniel Dohan, Elizabeth Dzeng.

Homing in on the Social: System-Level Influences on Overly Aggressive Treatments at the End of Life. Journal of pain and symptom management 2017.
Dzeng E, Dohan D, Curtis JR, Smith TJ, Colaianni A, Ritchie CS.

“She Always Knew I Would Call”: The Role of Family Liaisons in Serious Illness Communications During the COVID-19 Pandemic (GP719). Journal of pain and symptom management 2022.
Lingsheng Li, Amy Rosenwohl-Mack, Elizabeth Dzeng.

L. Forbes, L. Petrillo, E. Dzeng, K.L. Harrison, B. Scribner, B. Koenig.

Of care, cure and the in-between: COVID-19 treatment in a New York City intensive care unit. International Journal of Care and Caring 2022.
Tobias Haeusermann, Heather Romero-Kornblum, Elizabeth Dzeng.

The role of policy and law in shaping the ethics and quality of end-of-life care in intensive care. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022.
Dzeng E, Bein T, Curtis JR.

How California Prepared for Implementation of Physician-Assisted Death: A Primer. American journal of public health 2017.
Petrillo LA, Dzeng E, Harrison KL, Forbes L, Scribner B, Koenig BA.

Perceptions of specialty palliative care and its role in pediatric stem cell transplant: A multidisciplinary qualitative study. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2021.
Collins GS, Beaman H, Ho AM, Hermiston ML, Cohen HJ, Dzeng EW.

Addressing Palliative Care Clinician Burnout in Organizations: A Workforce Necessity, an Ethical Imperative. Journal of pain and symptom management 2017.
Harrison KL, Dzeng E, Ritchie CS, Shanafelt TD, Kamal AH, Bull JH, Tilburt JC, Swetz KM.

An Interprofessional Process for the Limitation of Life-Sustaining Treatments in France. Journal of pain and symptom management 2021.
Blythe JA, Kentish-Barnes N, Debue AS, Dohan D, Azoulay E, Covinsky K, Matthews T, Curtis JR, Dzeng E.

How Should Palliative Care Be Involved in the Response to Physician Assisted Dying in California? Intimately: Perspectives from a Statewide Conference (S795). Journal of pain and symptom management 2017.
Laura Petrillo, Eric Widera, Elizabeth Dzeng, Krista Harrison, Lindsay Forbes, Barbara Koenig, Ben Scribner.

Spheres of Influence and Strategic Advocacy for Equity in Medicine. Journal of general internal medicine 2021.
Karches K, DeCamp M, George M, Prochaska M, Saunders M, Thorsteinsdottir B, Dzeng E.

Populations and Interventions for Palliative and End-of-Life Care: A Systematic Review. Journal of palliative medicine 2016.
Singer AE, Goebel JR, Kim YS, Dy SM, Ahluwalia SC, Clifford M, Dzeng E, O'Hanlon CE, Motala A, Walling AM, Goldberg J, Meeker D, Ochotorena C, Shanman R, Cui M, Lorenz KA.

We Need a Paradigm Shift Around End-of-Life Decision Making. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2020.
Dzeng E, Morrison RS.

Moral Distress Amongst Physician Trainees Regarding Futile Treatments. Journal of general internal medicine 2016.
Dzeng E.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Ethical Challenges Posed by Neoliberal Healthcare. Journal of general internal medicine 2020.
Ahlbach C, King T, Dzeng E.

California's End of Life Option Act: Opportunities and Challenges Ahead. Journal of general internal medicine 2016.
Petrillo LA, Dzeng E, Smith AK.

Understanding Experiences of Moral Distress in End-of-Life Care Among US and UK Physician Trainees: a Comparative Qualitative Study. Journal of general internal medicine 2020.
Rosenwohl-Mack S, Dohan D, Matthews T, Batten JN, Dzeng E.

Moral Distress Amongst American Physician Trainees Regarding Futile Treatments at the End of Life: A Qualitative Study. Journal of general internal medicine 2015.
Dzeng E, Colaianni A, Roland M, Levine D, Kelly MP, Barclay S, Smith TJ.

The Effects of Individual Ethical Frameworks on Clinician Moral Distress. Journal of general internal medicine 2024.
Rosenwohl-Mack S, Dzeng E.

Variation in the design of Do Not Resuscitate orders and other code status options: a multi-institutional qualitative study. BMJ quality & safety 2020.
Batten JN, Blythe JA, Wieten S, Cotler MP, Kayser JB, Porter-Williamson K, Harman S, Dzeng E, Magnus D.

The Influence of Neoliberalism on Burdensome Life Sustaining Treatments Near the End of Life (RP313). Journal of pain and symptom management 2020.
Elizabeth Dzeng, J. Randall Curtis, Thea Matthews, Jason Batten, Christine Ritchie, Daniel Dohan.

Influence of institutional culture and policies on do-not-resuscitate decision making at the end of life. JAMA internal medicine 2015.
Dzeng E, Colaianni A, Roland M, Chander G, Smith TJ, Kelly MP, Barclay S, Levine D.

Using Human-Centered Design to Improve Serious Illness Care for Older Adults with Advanced Dementia. Journal of pain and symptom management 2024.
Chehab L, Goitiandia SW, Pereira L, Jung K, Chen A, Patel D, Axelrod J, Li L, Williams I, Dohan D, Sammann A, Dzeng E.

Values at the End of Life: The Logic of Palliative Care . By Roi Livne. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2019. Pp. x+341. $45.00. American Journal of Sociology 2020.
Elizabeth Dzeng.

Interaction of palliative care and primary care. Clinics in geriatric medicine 2015.
Ghosh A, Dzeng E, Cheng MJ.

Recognizing the Systemic Root Causes of Moral Distress. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB 2024.
Weiss Goitiandia S, Axelrod JK, Brender TD, Batten JN, Dzeng EW.

Ethics and Spheres of Influence in Addressing Social Determinants of Health. Journal of general internal medicine 2020.
DeCamp M, DeSalvo K, Dzeng E.

Physicians’ Understanding of Patient Autonomy and Choice in Discussions Surrounding the Do-Not-Resuscitate Order (FR415-B). Journal of pain and symptom management 2015.
Elizabeth Dzeng, Sydney Dy, Thomas Smith.

Doubling Down on Diversity: Enhancing the Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Academic Physicians in a Post-affirmative Action Era. Journal of general internal medicine 2024.
Martinez M, Arora V, Gonzalez CM, Dzeng E, Williams JS.

A Society of General Internal Medicine Position Statement on the Internists' Role in Social Determinants of Health. Journal of general internal medicine 2020.
Byhoff E, Kangovi S, Berkowitz SA, DeCamp M, Dzeng E, Earnest M, Gonzalez CM, Hartigan S, Karani R, Memari M, Roy B, Schwartz MD, Volerman A, DeSalvo K.

Public Attitudes on the Future Sustainability of Medicare 2015.
Xu T, Goldstein E, Dzeng E, Dy S, Nicholas LH.

A Framework of Clinician-Reported Approaches to Limiting Life-Prolonging Interventions Near the End of Life (RP114). Journal of pain and symptom management 2024.
Jason N. Batten, Sofia Weiss Goitiandia, Jacob A. Blythe, Helen O. Chernicoff, Ariadne A. Nichol, Lorraine M. Pereira, Catthi Ly, Julia Axelrod, Jacqueline Kruser, Elizabeth W. Dzeng.

Moral distress and burnout in caring for older adults during medical school training. 2020.
Perni S, Pollack LR, Gonzalez WC, Dzeng E, Baldwin MR.

Rationing healthcare: who's responsible? 2013.
Dzeng E, Smith TJ.

Exploring the Impact of Structural Racism on End of Life Care Among Older African Americans: An Oral History Approach (GP124). Journal of pain and symptom management 2024.
Amber N. Martin, Lorraine M. Pereira, Desiree Anderson, Karen Vickers, Stephanie Morgan, Wesselyne McKinney, Cinnamon Etta, Sofia Weiss Goitiandia, Catthi Ly, Elizabeth W. Dzeng.

Ethics in Conflict: Moral Distress as a Root Cause of Burnout. Journal of general internal medicine 2019.
Dzeng E, Wachter RM.

Media coverage of violent deaths in iraQ: an opportunistic capture-recapture assessment. 2008.
Siegler A, Roberts L, Balch E, Bargues E, Bhalla A, Bills C, Dzeng E, Epelboym Y, Foster T, Fulton L, Gallagher M, Gastolomendo JD, Giorgi G, Habtehans S, Kim J, McGee B, McMahan A, Riese S, Santamaria-Schwartz R, Walsh F, Wahlstrom J, Wedeles J.

Using Human-Centered Design Methodology to Maximize the Impact of Hospice and Palliative Care Research (ME303). Journal of pain and symptom management 2024.
Justin A. Yu, Yael Schenker, Jane Schell, Natalie C. Ernecoff, Elizabeth W. Dzeng.

Psychotropic medications and HIV. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2006.
Thompson A, Silverman B, Dzeng L, Treisman G.

Mechanical Ventilation in Older Adults With Dementia: Opportunities to Promote Goal-Concordant Care. Journal of pain and symptom management 2024.
Pollack LR, Nomitch JT, Downey L, Paul SR, Reed MJ, Uyeda AM, Kiker WA, Dotolo DG, Dzeng E, Lee RY, Engelberg RA, Kross EK.

A Codified Process for Multidisciplinary Team Consensus Around the Termination of Life Sustaining Treatments (LST) in France: An Interview Study (S822). Journal of pain and symptom management 2019.
Elizabeth Dzeng, Nancy Kentish-Barnes, J Randall Curtis, Anne-Sophie Debue.

Achieving Goals of Care Decisions in Chronic Critical Illness: A Multi-Institutional Qualitative Study. Chest 2024.
Andersen SK, Yang Y, Kross EK, Haas B, Geagea A, May TL, Hart J, Bagshaw SM, Dzeng E, Fischhoff B, White DB.

395. Critical care medicine 2019.
Jason Batten, Gregory Taylor, Jacob Blythe, Karin Porter-Williamson, Elizabeth Dzeng, Miriam Cotler, Joshua Kayser, Stephanie Harman, David Magnus.

Physician Perspectives on Challenges in Understanding Patient Preferences for Emergency Intubation: A Qualitative Assessment of Hospital Code Status Orders. CHEST Critical Care 2024.
Emily J. Shearer, Jacob A. Blythe, Sarah E. Wieten, Elizabeth W. Dzeng, Miriam P. Cotler, Karin B. Porter-Williamson, Joshua B. Kayser, Stephanie M. Harman, David C. Magnus, Jason N. Batten.

Palliative care, homelessness, and restricted or uncertain immigration status. Palliative care and social practice 2023.
Hudson BF, Dzeng E, Burnett A, Yeung M, Shulman C.

Reply to: Social Causes of Rational Suicide in Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2018.
Dzeng E, Pantilat SZ.

John Dzundza, MD

Evaluation of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis protocol in hematopoietic cell transplant patients. Bone marrow transplantation 2023.
Lee A, Badgley C, Lo M, Banez MT, Graff L, Damon L, Martin T, Dzundza J, Wong M, Olin R.

Reductions in vancomycin and meropenem following the implementation of a febrile neutropenia management algorithm in hospitalized adults: An interrupted time series analysis. Infection control and hospital epidemiology 2021.
Trinh TD, Strnad L, Damon L, Dzundza JH, Graff LR, Griffith LM, Hilts-Horeczko A, Olin R, Shenoy S, DeVoe C, Wang L, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Gu TM, Hampton SR, Macapinlac BAC, Yang K, Doernberg SB.

Identification of genes encoding atypical odorant-binding proteins in Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of medical entomology 2009.
Armbruster P, White S, Dzundza J, Crawford J, Zhao X.