People Publications


Robertino Garcia Cortes

An autosomal linkage scan for cannabis use disorders in the nicotine addiction genetics project. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2008.
Agrawal A, Pergadia ML, Saccone SF, Lynskey MT, Wang JC, Martin NG, Statham D, Henders A, Campbell M, Garcia R, Broms U, Todd RD, Goate AM, Rice J, Kaprio J, Heath AC, Montgomery GW, Madden PA.

Bassem Ghali, MD

Transient overexpression of sonic hedgehog alters the architecture and mechanical properties of trabecular bone. Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2009.
Kiuru M, Solomon J, Ghali B, van der Meulen M, Crystal RG, Hidaka C.

Effect of cross-link density on the high pressure crystallization of UHMWPE. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 2009.
Oral E, Godleski-Beckos C, Ghali BW, Lozynsky AJ, Muratoglu OK.

Epidemiology of heart failure in rural Chhattisgarh, India. The National medical journal of India 2023.
Kole A, Agarwal A, Seth B, Sandhu S, Ghali B, Arya P, Patil S, Jain Y, Kwan G.

Epidemiology of heart failure in rural Chhattisgarh Natl Med J India 2023.
Kole A, Agarwal A, Seth B, Sandhu S, Ghali B, Arya P, et al..

Lessons learned from academic medical centers' response to the COVID-19 pandemic in partnership with the Navajo Nation. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022.
Bongiovanni T, Shamasunder S, Brown W, Rivera Carpenter C, Pantell M, Ghali B, Harrison JD.

A new mechanism of oxidation in ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene caused by squalene absorption. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 2011.
Oral E, Ghali BW, Neils A, Muratoglu OK.

The elimination of free radicals in irradiated UHMWPEs with and without vitamin E stabilization by annealing under pressure. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 2011.
Oral E, Ghali BW, Muratoglu OK.

A surface crosslinked UHMWPE stabilized by vitamin E with low wear and high fatigue strength. Biomaterials 2010.
Oral E, Ghali BW, Rowell SL, Micheli BR, Lozynsky AJ, Muratoglu OK.

Kiran Gupta, MD, MPH

Factors Associated with Malpractice Claim Payout: An Analysis of Closed Emergency Department Claims. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety 2022.
Gupta K, Szymonifka J, Rivadeneira NA, Khoong EC, Adler-Milstein J, Ross J, Sarkar U.

Multispecialty Physician Online Survey Reveals That Burnout Related to Adverse Event Involvement May Be Mitigated by Peer Support. Journal of patient safety 2022.
Gupta K, Rivadeneira NA, Lisker S, Chahal K, Gross N, Sarkar U.

The Abrupt Expansion of Ambulatory Telemedicine: Implications for Patient Safety. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022.
Khoong EC, Sharma AE, Gupta K, Adler-Milstein J, Sarkar U.

Integrating Health Care Technologies: Challenges and Lessons Learned from One Medical Center's Experience. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety 2019.
Gupta K, Wachter RM.

Decisions and repercussions of second victim experiences for mothers in medicine (SAVE DR MoM). BMJ quality & safety 2019.
Gupta K, Lisker S, Rivadeneira NA, Mangurian C, Linos E, Sarkar U.

Financial incentives and mortality: taking pay for performance a step too far. BMJ quality & safety 2016.
Gupta K, Wachter RM, Kachalia A.