People Publications


Cindy Lai, MD

A framework to promote equity in clinical clerkships. 2019.
Lai CJ, Jackson AV, Wheeler M, Dhaliwal G, Ziv TA, Kryzhanovskaya I, Teherani A.

Integrating Health Systems Science in early undergraduate medical education: barriers to implementation and lessons learned 2017.
Mills LM, Hoffman AB, Khan A, Lai CJ..

First Aid for the Internal Medicine Boards 2017.
Le T, Baudendistel T, Chin-Hong P, Lai C, eds.

“Collective wisdom”: Assigning honors grades in a multi-site internal medicine clerkship through team calibration 2017.
Lai C, Ziv T, Wheeler M, Stoltz S, Dhaliwal G.

Structures and Processes of Grading Committees in Internal Medicine Clerkships: Results of a National Survey. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2024.
Alexandraki I, Osman N, Ratcliffe T, Simon W, McBee E, Kisielewski M, Lai CJ.

Health Systems Science Curricula in Undergraduate Medical Education: Identifying and Defining a Potential Curricular Framework. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2017.
Gonzalo JD, Dekhtyar M, Starr SR, Borkan J, Brunett P, Fancher T, Green J, Grethlein SJ, Lai C, Lawson L, Monrad S, O'Sullivan P, Schwartz MD, Skochelak S.

Changes in Gender and Racial/Ethnic Diversity in US Residency Program Applications From 2018 to 2022. Journal of graduate medical education 2024.
Huppert LA, Santhosh L, Alba-Nguyen S, Lai CJ, Babik JM.

Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships: Principles, Outcomes, Practical Tools, and Future Directions. Editors: Poncelet A, Hirsh D 2016.
Lai C, Batalden M, Khan A.

Optimizing the Internal Medicine Residency Recruitment Process: A National Survey of Program Directors and Next Steps. The American journal of medicine 2023.
Wininger DA, Luther VP, Sweet M, Raj JM, Harper W, Amin AN, Lewis K, Harris L, Lai CJ.

Decision Support in Medicine, LLC 2016.

Medical student advising during virtual residency recruitment: results of a national survey of internal medicine clerkship and sub-internship directors. Medical education online 2023.
Alexandraki I, Ismail N, Lai CJ, Duca NS, Ratcliffe T, Kisielewski M, Pincavage AT.

The Value of Student-Run Clinics for Premedical Students: A Multi-Institutional Study. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 2016.
Pennington K, Tong IL, Lai CJ, O'Sullivan PS, Sheu L.

Strategies for Advancing Equity in Frontline Clinical Assessment. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2023.
Onumah CM, Pincavage AT, Lai CJ, Levine DL, Ismail NJ, Alexandraki I, Osman NY.

Pharmacy students teaching prescribers strategies to lower prescription drug costs for underserved patients. 2013.
Stebbins MR, Frear ME, Cutler TW, Lightwood JM, Fingado AR, Lai CJ, Lipton HL.

Reviewing Internal Medicine Clerkship Grading Through a Proequity Lens: Results of a National Survey. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2023.
Lai CJ, Alexandraki I, Ismail N, Levine D, Onumah C, Pincavage AT, Jacob J, Jenkins MO, Nagarur A, Kisielewski M, Osman NY.

An evaluation of interactive web-based curricula for teaching code status discussions. Journal of palliative medicine 2013.
Chittenden EH, Anderson WG, Lai CJ, O'Sullivan P.

AAIM Recommendations to Promote Equity and Inclusion in the Internal Medicine Residency Interview Process. The American journal of medicine 2022.
Dao AT, Garcia MM, Correa R, Gay LJ, Wininger DA, Sweet M, Luther VP, Chow TM, Harper W, Lai CJ.

Emerging from the Pandemic: AAIM Recommendations for Internal Medicine Residency and Fellowship Interview Standards. The American journal of medicine 2022.
Luther VP, Wininger DA, Lai CJ, Dao A, Garcia MM, Harper W, Chow TM, Correa R, Gay LJ, Fettig L, Dalal B, Vassallo P, Barczi S, Sweet M.

Systems-based practice learning opportunities in student-run clinics: a qualitative analysis of student experiences. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2013.
Sheu L, O'Brien B, O'Sullivan PS, Kwong A, Lai CJ.

The Impact of Internal Medicine Clerkship Characteristics and NBME Subject Exams on USMLE Step 2 Clinical Knowledge Exam Performance. Journal of general internal medicine 2022.
Fitz M, Adams W, Heincelman M, Haist S, Whelan K, Cox L, Cao UT, Hingle S, Raff A, Houghton B, Fitzpatrick J, Nall R, Foster J, Appelbaum J, Grum C, Donovan A, Kiken S, Abraham R, Hlafka M, Miller C, Bansal S, Paauw D, Lai CJ, Pincavage A, Agarwal G, Burns C, Holzer H, Lappé K, John V, Barker B, Mingioni N, Rao D, Zakowski L, Chakraborti C, Williams W, Kelly W.

GeriWard: An interprofessional curriculum for health professions student teams on systems-based care of the hospitalized older adult 2013.
Rennke S, Mackin L, Wallhagen M, Tam E, Jue V, Smoot B, Lai C.

Innovation and Missed Opportunities in Internal Medicine Undergraduate Education During COVID-19: Results from a National Survey. Journal of general internal medicine 2022.
Alexandraki I, Walsh KJ, Ratcliffe T, Onumah C, Szauter K, Curren C, Osman N, Lai CJ, DeWaay D, Duca NS, Weinstein A, Ismail N, Jacob J, Kisielewski M, Pincavage AT.

Impact of student-run clinics on preclinical sociocultural and interprofessional attitudes: a prospective cohort analysis. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 2012.
Sheu L, Lai CJ, Coelho AD, Lin LD, Zheng P, Hom P, Diaz V, O'Sullivan PS.

AAIM Recommendations to Promote Equity in the Clerkship Clinical Learning Environment. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022.
Pincavage AT, Osman NY, Alexandraki I, Ismail NJ, Levine DL, Onumah CM, Lai CJ.

The Alliance for Clinical Education Guidebook for Clerkship Directors 2012.
Batalden M, Lai CJ.

Students receiving pages on their patients: A pilot. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022.
Ow GM, Lai CJ, Choi N, Khanna R.

First Aid for the Internal Medicine Boards 2011.
Le T, Chin-Hong, PV, Baudendistel TE, Lai CJ, Editors.

Patient Advocacy Assessment in the Medicine Clerkship: A Qualitative Study of Definition, Context, and Impact. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022.
Griffiths EP, Lai CJ, Ziv T, Dawson D, Dhaliwal G, Wheeler M, Teherani A.

Roles and Responsibilities of Medicine Subinternship Directors : Medicine Subinternship Director Roles. Journal of general internal medicine 2021.
Duca NS, Lai CJ, Ratcliffe TA, Alexandraki I, Ismail N, Kisielewski M, Jacob J, Walsh K, Levine DL, Szauter K, Jasti H, Pincavage AT, LaRochelle J, Glod SA.

Learning through service: student perceptions on volunteering at interprofessional hepatitis B student-run clinics. 2011.
Sheu LC, Zheng P, Coelho AD, Lin LD, O'Sullivan PS, O'Brien BC, Yu AY, Lai CJ.

A is for advocacy: How introducing student advocacy assessment impacts longitudinal integrated clerkship students and clinical supervisors. Medical teacher 2021.
Ziv T, Wamsley M, Lai CJ, Griffiths EP, Maxey A, Kryzhanovskaya IE, Teherani A.

Development of a longitudinal integrated clerkship at an academic medical center. Medical education online 2011.
Poncelet A, Bokser S, Calton B, Hauer KE, Kirsch H, Jones T, Lai CJ, Mazotti L, Shore W, Teherani A, Tong L, Wamsley M, Robertson P.

AAIM Principles and Recommendations for the 2021-2022 Internal Medicine Residency Interview Cycle in Response to the Continued COVID-19 Pandemic. The American journal of medicine 2021.
Raj JM, Lai CJ, Higgins S, Chretien KC, Barton T, Kroker-Bode CA, Calderon A, Apaloo C, Shaheen AW.

Peer-to-peer interprofessional health policy education for Medicare part D. 2010.
Lipton HL, Lai CJ, Cutler TW, Smith AR, Stebbins MR.

Aiming for equity in clerkship grading: Recommendations for reducing the effects of structural and individual bias. The American journal of medicine 2021.
Onumah CM, Lai CJ, Levine D, Ismail N, Pincavage AT, Osman NY.

A model for interprofessional health disparities education: student-led curriculum on chronic hepatitis B infection. Journal of general internal medicine 2010.
Sheu LC, Toy BC, Kwahk E, Yu A, Adler J, Lai CJ.

Moving toward Mastery: Changes in Student Perceptions of Clerkship Assessment with Pass/Fail Grading and Enhanced Feedback. Teaching and learning in medicine 2021.
Bullock JL, Seligman L, Lai CJ, O'Sullivan PS, Hauer KE.

A professional development course for the clinical clerkships: developing a student-centered curriculum. Journal of general internal medicine 2008.
Hill-Sakurai LE, Lee CA, Schickedanz A, Maa J, Lai CJ.

Postdischarge follow-up visits for medical and pharmacy students on an inpatient medicine clerkship. Journal of hospital medicine 2008.
Lai CJ, Nye HE, Bookwalter T, Kwan A, Hauer KE.

Designing and Implementing a Novel Virtual Rounds Curriculum for Medical Students' Internal Medicine Clerkship During the COVID-19 Pandemic. MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources 2021.
Sukumar S, Zakaria A, Lai CJ, Sakumoto M, Khanna R, Choi N.

Provider knowledge and practice regarding hepatitis B screening in Chinese-speaking patients. 2007.
Lai CJ, Nguyen TT, Hwang J, Stewart SL, Kwan A, McPhee SJ.

"There Is a Lot of Change Afoot": A Qualitative Study of Faculty Adaptation to Elimination of Tiered Grades With Increased Emphasis on Feedback in Core Clerkships. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2020.
McDonald JA, Lai CJ, Lin MYC, O'Sullivan PS, Hauer KE.

Brief report: Multiprogram evaluation of reading habits of primary care internal medicine residents on ambulatory rotations. Journal of general internal medicine 2006.
Lai CJ, Aagaard E, Brandenburg S, Nadkarni M, Wei HG, Baron R.

Advocacy in action: Medical student reflections of an experiential curriculum. The clinical teacher 2020.
Daya S, Choi N, Harrison JD, Lai CJ.

Internal Medicine Student Education on Direct-Care Hospital Medicine Services: Results of a National Survey. The American journal of medicine 2020.
Nagarur A, Lai CJ, Simmons LH, Kisielewski M, Ratcliffe TA, DeWaay DJ, Mattison MLP, Thapa B, Ziperstein JC, Johnston KT.

Antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis B and cirrhosis. Gastroenterology clinics of North America 2004.
Lai CJ, Terrault NA.

Why and how to prepare, write and submit clinical cases. 2020.
Sankey C, Williams W, Bhatnagar D, Miller CS, Lai CJ.

Clerkship Roles and Responsibilities in a Rapidly Changing Landscape: a National Survey of Internal Medicine Clerkship Directors. Journal of general internal medicine 2020.
Glod SA, Alexandraki I, Jasti H, Lai CJ, Ratcliffe TA, Walsh K, Kisielewski M, LaRochelle J.

In Pursuit of Honors: A Multi-Institutional Study of Students' Perceptions of Clerkship Evaluation and Grading. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2019.
Bullock JL, Lai CJ, Lockspeiser T, O'Sullivan P, Aronowitz P, Dellmore D, Fung CC, Knight C, Hauer KE.

Jera Lewis, MD

Systemic GM-CSF Recruits Effector T Cells into the Tumor Microenvironment in Localized Prostate Cancer. Cancer immunology research 2016.
Wei XX, Chan S, Kwek S, Lewis J, Dao V, Zhang L, Cooperberg MR, Ryan CJ, Lin AM, Friedlander TW, Rini B, Kane C, Simko JP, Carroll PR, Small EJ, Fong L.

GM-CSF and ipilimumab therapy in metastatic melanoma: Clinical outcomes and immunologic responses. Oncoimmunology 2015.
Kwek SS, Kahn J, Greaney SK, Lewis J, Cha E, Zhang L, Weber RW, Leonard L, Markovic SN, Fong L, Spitler LE.

Preexisting Levels of CD4 T Cells Expressing PD-1 Are Related to Overall Survival in Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Ipilimumab. Cancer immunology research 2015.
Kwek SS, Lewis J, Zhang L, Weinberg V, Greaney SK, Harzstark AL, Lin AM, Ryan CJ, Small EJ, Fong L.

Activated lymphocyte recruitment into the tumor microenvironment following preoperative sipuleucel-T for localized prostate cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2014.
Fong L, Carroll P, Weinberg V, Chan S, Lewis J, Corman J, Amling CL, Stephenson RA, Simko J, Sheikh NA, Sims RB, Frohlich MW, Small EJ.

Lauren Linett

Antipyretic efficacy and safety of ibuprofen and acetaminophen in children. The Annals of pharmacotherapy 2004.
Goldman RD, Ko K, Linett LJ, Scolnik D.

Leo Liu, MD

Rethinking PICO in the Machine Learning Era: ML-PICO. Applied clinical informatics 2021.
Liu X, Anstey J, Li R, Sarabu C, Sono R, Butte AJ.

Evaluation of Secure Messaging Applications for a Health Care System: A Case Study. Applied clinical informatics 2019.
Liu X, Sutton PR, McKenna R, Sinanan MN, Fellner BJ, Leu MG, Ewell C.

Central vascular catheter insertion in the NICU: a Lean approach. Neonatal network : NN 2014.
Liu X, Suresh G.

Development and Internal Validation of an Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Predict Readmissions in a United States Healthcare System Informatics 2023.
Luo AL, Ravi A, Arvisais-Anhalt S, Muniyappa AN, Liu X, Wang S..

Developing a COVID-19 WHO Clinical Progression Scale Inpatient Database from Electronic Health Record Data. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022.
Ramaswamy P, Gong JJ, Saleh SN, McDonald SA, Blumberg S, Medford RJ, Liu X.

Early identification of patients admitted to hospital for covid-19 at risk of clinical deterioration: model development and multisite external validation study. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022.
Kamran F, Tang S, Otles E, McEvoy DS, Saleh SN, Gong J, Li BY, Dutta S, Liu X, Medford RJ, Valley TS, West LR, Singh K, Blumberg S, Donnelly JP, Shenoy ES, Ayanian JZ, Nallamothu BK, Sjoding MW, Wiens J.

Steven Ludwin, MD

Training Residents in Hospital Medicine: The Hospitalist Elective National Survey. Journal of hospital medicine 2018.
Ludwin S, Harrison JD, Ranji S, Sharpe BA, Kneeland P.

Denah Joseph: "In the Hospital". Journal of hospital medicine 2018.
Ludwin SM, Narayana S.

In the Hospital: Series Introduction. Journal of hospital medicine 2018.
Ludwin SM, Narayana S.

Increased sedation requirements during endoscopy in patients with celiac disease. Digestive diseases and sciences 2011.
Lebwohl B, Hassid B, Ludwin S, Lewis SK, Tennyson CA, Neugut AI, Green PH.

Faculty Development in Academic Hospital Medicine: a Scoping Review. Journal of general internal medicine 2023.
Misky GJ, Sharpe B, Weaver AC, Niranjan-Azadi A, Gupta A, Rennke S, Ludwin S, Piper C, Sun VK, Brotman DJ, Frank M.

In the Hospital: Laura Shea. Journal of hospital medicine 2019.
Ludwin S, Narayana S.