People Publications


Robert Wachter, MD

Delayed Second Dose versus Standard Regimen for Covid-19 Vaccination. The New England journal of medicine 2021.

Interview of Robert M. Wachter, MD. Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2015.
Wachter RM, Kerbel RB, Aung KK.

Bleeding talent: a lesson from industry on embracing physician workforce challenges. Journal of hospital medicine 2010.
Kneeland PP, Kneeland C, Wachter RM.

Drug withdrawals in the United States: a systematic review of the evidence and analysis of trends. Current drug safety 2007.
Issa AM, Phillips KA, Van Bebber S, Nidamarthy HG, Lasser KE, Haas JS, Alldredge BK, Wachter RM, Bates DW.

Hospitalists: the new model of inpatient medical care in the United States. European journal of internal medicine 2003.
Flanders SA, Wachter RM.

Training future hospitalists. The Western journal of medicine 1999.
Hauer KE, Flanders SA, Wachter RM.

A hidden complication of heart disease. Hospital practice (Office ed.) 1988.
Wachter RM, Tierney LM.

Specialty hospitalists: analyzing an emerging phenomenon. JAMA 2012.
Nelson JR, Wellikson L, Wachter RM.

The relationship between hospitalists and primary care physicians. Annals of internal medicine 2010.
Wachter RM.

The surgical hospitalist: a new model for emergency surgical care. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2007.
Maa J, Carter JT, Gosnell JE, Wachter R, Harris HW.

Risk factors for early hospital readmission in patients with AIDS and pneumonia. Journal of general internal medicine 1999.
Grant RW, Charlebois ED, Wachter RM.

Intensive care of patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: time for a reassessment? The American review of respiratory disease 1988.
Luce JM, Wachter RM, Hopewell PC.

The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine's Computer Age The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine's Computer Age 2015.
Wachter RM.

Associations between Internet-based patient ratings and conventional surveys of patient experience in the English NHS: an observational study. BMJ quality & safety 2012.
Greaves F, Pape UJ, King D, Darzi A, Majeed A, Wachter RM, Millett C.

Cross-sectional analysis of hospitalist prevalence and quality of care in California. Journal of hospital medicine 2010.
Vasilevskis EE, Knebel RJ, Dudley RA, Wachter RM, Auerbach AD.

Complications and patient satisfaction after periacetabular pelvic osteotomy. International orthopaedics 2007.
Biedermann R, Donnan L, Gabriel A, Wachter R, Krismer M, Behensky H.

Implementation of a voluntary hospitalist service at a community teaching hospital: improved clinical efficiency and patient outcomes. Annals of internal medicine 2002.
Auerbach AD, Wachter RM, Katz P, Showstack J, Baron RB, Goldman L.

A new doctor in the house: ethical issues in hospitalist systems. JAMA 1999.
Pantilat SZ, Alpers A, Wachter RM.

Attitudes of medical residents regarding intensive care for patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Archives of internal medicine 1988.
Wachter RM, Cooke M, Hopewell PC, Luce JM.

Ethics in Conflict: Moral Distress as a Root Cause of Burnout. Journal of general internal medicine 2019.
Dzeng E, Wachter RM.

English National Health Service's savings plan may have helped reduce the use of three 'low-value' procedures. Health affairs (Project Hope) 2015.
Coronini-Cronberg S, Bixby H, Laverty AA, Wachter RM, Millett C.

High-profile investigations into hospital safety problems in England did not prompt patients to switch providers. Health affairs (Project Hope) 2012.
Laverty AA, Smith PC, Pape UJ, Mears A, Wachter RM, Millett C.

Patient whiteboards as a communication tool in the hospital setting: a survey of practices and recommendations. Journal of hospital medicine 2010.
Sehgal NL, Green A, Vidyarthi AR, Blegen MA, Wachter RM.

What will board certification be-and mean-for hospitalists? Journal of hospital medicine 2007.
Wachter RM.

Intensive care of human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients during the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2002.
Morris A, Creasman J, Turner J, Luce JM, Wachter RM, Huang L.

Hospitalist staffing requirements. Effective clinical practice : ECP 1999.
Lurie JD, Wachter RM.

Ethical dilemmas about intensive care for patients with AIDS. Reviews of infectious diseases 1987.
Lo B, Raffin TA, Cohen NH, Wachter RM, Luce JM, Hopewell PC.

The Molecular Medicine Investigation Unit: Linking Patient Care and Scientific Inquiry in Physician-Scientist Training. Journal of graduate medical education 2020.
Berger A, Matloubian M, Shah NP, Wachter RM, DeRisi JL, Anderson M.

National hospital ratings systems share few common scores and may generate confusion instead of clarity. Health affairs (Project Hope) 2015.
Austin JM, Jha AK, Romano PS, Singer SJ, Vogus TJ, Wachter RM, Pronovost PJ.

Associations between Web-based patient ratings and objective measures of hospital quality. Archives of internal medicine 2012.
Greaves F, Pape UJ, King D, Darzi A, Majeed A, Wachter RM, Millett C.

Understanding the new vocabulary of healthcare reform. Journal of hospital medicine 2010.
Wachter RM.

The impact of duty hours on resident self reports of errors. Journal of general internal medicine 2007.
Vidyarthi AR, Auerbach AD, Wachter RM, Katz PP.

Safe but sound: patient safety meets evidence-based medicine. JAMA 2002.
Shojania KG, Duncan BW, McDonald KM, Wachter RM.

The potential size of the hospitalist workforce in the United States. The American journal of medicine 1999.
Lurie JD, Miller DP, Lindenauer PK, Wachter RM, Sox HC.

Patient safety movement in neurological surgery: the current state and future directions. Journal of neurosurgery 2019.
Sankaran S, Andrews JP, Chicas M, Wachter RM, Berger MS.

Reverse epidemiology in different stages of heart failure. International journal of cardiology 2015.
Güder G, Gelbrich G, Edelmann F, Wachter R, Pieske B, Pankuweit S, Maisch B, Prettin C, Brenner S, Morbach C, Berliner D, Deubner N, Ertl G, Angermann CE, Störk S.

Renaissance of hospital generalists. BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2012.
Wachter RM, Bell D.

The 100,000 Lives Campaign: A scientific and policy review. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety 2006.
Wachter RM, Pronovost PJ.

The evolution of the hospitalist model in the United States. The Medical clinics of North America 2002.
Wachter RM.

Financial implications of implementing a hospitalist program. Healthcare financial management : journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association 1999.
Wachter RM, Whitcomb WF, Nelson JR.

Intensive care of patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Outcome and changing patterns of utilization. The American review of respiratory disease 1986.
Wachter RM, Luce JM, Turner J, Volberding P, Hopewell PC.

Six habits of highly successful health information technology: powerful strategies for design and implementation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2019.
Ray JM, Ratwani RM, Sinsky CA, Frankel RM, Friedberg MW, Powsner SM, Rosenthal DI, Wachter RM, Melnick ER.

Patient safety is not elective: a debate at the NPSF Patient Safety Congress. BMJ quality & safety 2014.
McTiernan P, Wachter RM, Meyer GS, Gandhi TK.

Understanding Patient Safety Understanding Patient Safety. 2012.
Wachter RM..

Assessing the Evidence for Context-Sensitive Effectiveness and Safety of Patient Safety Practices: Developing Criteria Assessing the Evidence for Context-Sensitive Effectiveness and Safety of Patient Safety Practices: Developing Criteria. 2010.
Shekelle PG, Pronovost PJ, Wachter RM (editors)..

Quality grand rounds: the case for patient safety. Annals of internal medicine 2006.
Wachter RM, Shojania KG, Markowitz AJ, Smith M, Saint S.

The evolution of the hospitalist movement in the USA. Clinical medicine (London, England) 2002.
Baudendistel TE, Wachter RM.

An introduction to the hospitalist model. Annals of internal medicine 1999.
Wachter RM.

Lethargy and confusion after total nephrectomy. Hospital practice (Office ed.) 1986.
Wachter RM, Fields S.

Integrating Health Care Technologies: Challenges and Lessons Learned from One Medical Center's Experience. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety 2019.
Gupta K, Wachter RM.

Improving the quality and safety of care on the medical ward: A review and synthesis of the evidence base. European journal of internal medicine 2014.
Pannick S, Beveridge I, Wachter RM, Sevdalis N.

Effects of a multicentre teamwork and communication programme on patient outcomes: results from the Triad for Optimal Patient Safety (TOPS) project. BMJ quality & safety 2011.
Auerbach AD, Sehgal NL, Blegen MA, Maselli J, Alldredge BK, Vittinghoff E, Wachter RM.

Patient safety at ten: unmistakable progress, troubling gaps. Health affairs (Project Hope) 2009.
Wachter RM.

Learning from our mistakes: quality grand rounds, a new case-based series on medical errors and patient safety. Annals of internal medicine 2002.
Wachter RM, Shojania KG, Saint S, Markowitz AJ, Smith M.

Hospitalists and the practice of inpatient medicine: results of a survey of the National Association of Inpatient Physicians. Annals of internal medicine 1999.
Lindenauer PK, Pantilat SZ, Katz PP, Wachter RM.

The impact of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome on medical residency training. The New England journal of medicine 1986.
Wachter RM.

Development of a hospital-based program focused on improving healthcare value. Journal of hospital medicine 2014.
Moriates C, Mourad M, Novelero M, Wachter RM.

Can healthcare go from good to great? Journal of hospital medicine 2011.
Driver TH, Wachter RM.

Perspective: Physician leadership in quality. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2009.
Pronovost PJ, Miller MR, Wachter RM, Meyer GS.

The expanding role of hospitalists in the United States. Swiss medical weekly 2006.
Sehgal NL, Wachter RM.

Primary care physician attitudes regarding communication with hospitalists. Disease-a-month : DM 2002.
Pantilat SZ, Lindenauer PK, Katz PP, Wachter RM.

The hospitalist movement: ten issues to consider. Hospital practice (1995) 1999.
Wachter RM.

Ripping and filing Journal articles. The New England journal of medicine 1984.
Wachter RM.

Grading residents' clinical performance: unique opportunities and challenges. Journal of general internal medicine 2014.
Liao JM, Wachter RM.

Hospital performance trends on national quality measures and the association with Joint Commission accreditation. Journal of hospital medicine 2011.
Schmaltz SP, Williams SC, Chassin MR, Loeb JM, Wachter RM.

Tracking progress in patient safety: an elusive target. JAMA 2006.
Pronovost PJ, Miller MR, Wachter RM.

The "continuity visit" and the hospitalist model of care. Disease-a-month : DM 2002.
Wachter RM, Pantilat SZ.

Hospitalist workload: the search for the magic number. JAMA internal medicine 2014.
Wachter RM.

"July effect": impact of the academic year-end changeover on patient outcomes: a systematic review. Annals of internal medicine 2011.
Young JQ, Ranji SR, Wachter RM, Lee CM, Niehaus B, Auerbach AD.

California hospital leaders' views of hospitalists: meeting needs of the present and future. Journal of hospital medicine 2009.
Vasilevskis EE, Knebel RJ, Wachter RM, Auerbach AD.

The hospitalist movement 10 years later: life as a Swiss army knife. MedGenMed : Medscape general medicine 2006.
Wachter RM.

The patient provider relationship and the hospitalist movement. Introduction. Disease-a-month : DM 2002.
Pantilat SZ, Wachter RM.

Improving follow-up of high-risk psychiatry outpatients at resident year-end transfer. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety 2011.
Young JQ, Pringle Z, Wachter RM.

Balancing "no blame" with accountability in patient safety. The New England journal of medicine 2009.
Wachter RM, Pronovost PJ.

Trends in market demand for internal medicine 1999 to 2004: an analysis of physician job advertisements. Journal of general internal medicine 2006.
Auerbach AD, Chlouber R, Singler J, Lurie JD, Bostrom A, Wachter RM.

The hospitalist movement 5 years later. JAMA 2002.
Wachter RM, Goldman L.

The hospitalist movement and the future of academic general internal medicine. Journal of general internal medicine 1998.
Wachter RM, Flanders S.

Transforming concepts in patient safety: a progress report. BMJ quality & safety 2018.
Gandhi TK, Kaplan GS, Leape L, Berwick DM, Edgman-Levitan S, Edmondson A, Meyer GS, Michaels D, Morath JM, Vincent C, Wachter R.

Safety in numbers: the development of Leapfrog's composite patient safety score for U.S. hospitals. Journal of patient safety 2014.
Austin JM, D'Andrea G, Birkmeyer JD, Leape LL, Milstein A, Pronovost PJ, Romano PS, Singer SJ, Vogus TJ, Wachter RM.

What context features might be important determinants of the effectiveness of patient safety practice interventions? BMJ quality & safety 2011.
Taylor SL, Dy S, Foy R, Hempel S, McDonald KM, Ovretveit J, Pronovost PJ, Rubenstein LV, Wachter RM, Shekelle PG.

Impact of duty-hour restriction on resident inpatient teaching. Journal of hospital medicine 2009.
Mazotti LA, Vidyarthi AR, Wachter RM, Auerbach AD, Katz PP.

Managing discontinuity in academic medical centers: strategies for a safe and effective resident sign-out. Journal of hospital medicine 2006.
Vidyarthi AR, Arora V, Schnipper JL, Wall SD, Wachter RM.

Primary care physician attitudes regarding communication with hospitalists. The American journal of medicine 2001.
Pantilat SZ, Lindenauer PK, Katz PP, Wachter RM.

Effect of evaluator and resident gender on the American Board of Internal Medicine evaluation scores. Journal of general internal medicine 1998.
Rand VE, Hudes ES, Browner WS, Wachter RM, Avins AL.