People Publications


Salman Rahman, MD

A Pediatric Patient With an Asymptomatic, Unilateral Retinal Mass. JAMA ophthalmology 2020.
Everett LA, Rahman SA, Afshar AR.

Aksharananda Rambachan, MD, MPH

Sex Disparities in Opioid Prescription and Administration on a Hospital Medicine Service. Journal of general internal medicine 2024.
Yang N, Fang MC, Rambachan A.

Reasons for readmission after carotid endarterectomy. 2013.
Rambachan A, Smith TR, Saha S, Eskandari MK, Bendok BR, Kim JY.

Pain management inequities by demographic and geriatric-related variables in older adult inpatients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2024.
Rambachan A, Neilands TB, Karliner L, Covinsky K, Fang M, Nguyen T.

Anemia is not a predictor of free flap failure: a review of NSQIP data. 2013.
Mlodinow AS, Ver Halen JP, Rambachan A, Gaido J, Kim JY.

Sex concordance between physicians and patients and discharge opioid prescribing. Journal of hospital medicine 2024.
Rambachan A, Joshi M, Auerbach AD, Fang MC.

Supply of neuraminidase inhibitors related to reduced influenza A (H1N1) mortality during the 2009-2010 H1N1 pandemic: an ecological study. PloS one 2012.
Miller PE, Rambachan A, Hubbard RJ, Li J, Meyer AE, Stephens P, Mounts AW, Rolfes MA, Penn CR.

Assessing for differences in opioid administration during inpatient end-of-life care for patients with limited English proficiency. Journal of hospital medicine 2024.
Curatola N, Prasad P, Bell BK, Fang MC, Rambachan A.

Racial, Ethnic, and Language-Based Inequities in Inpatient Opioid Prescribing by Diagnosis from Internal Medicine Services, a Retrospective Cohort Study. Pain research & management 2023.
Joshi M, Prasad PA, Hubbard CC, Iverson N, Manuel SP, Fang MC, Rambachan A.

Intractable hemorrhagic cystitis after hematopoietic stem cell tranplantation--is there a role for early urinary diversion in children? The Journal of urology 2012.
Lukasewycz SJ, Smith AR, Rambachan A, MacMillan ML, Lewis JM, Shukla AR.

Pain Assessment Disparities by Race, Ethnicity, and Language in Adult Hospitalized Patients. Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses 2023.
Rambachan A, Noorulhuda H, Fang MC, Bazinski M, Manuel S, Hubbard C, Prasad P.

Ken Haberman, David Leavitt, Aksharananda Rambachan, Romano DeMarco, Aseem Shukla.

A Focused Screening and Clinical Intervention with Streamlined Outpatient Linkage for Hospitalized Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Experiencing Homelessness. Substance abuse : research and treatment 2023.
Oreper S, Bond A, Bazinski M, Tierney M, Fang M, Sankaran S, Rambachan A.

Racial Differences in Postoperative Opioid Prescribing Practices in Spine Surgical Patients. Neurosurgery 2022.
Letchuman V, He L, Mummaneni PV, Agarwal N, Campbell LJ, Shabani S, Chan AK, Abrecht CR, Miller C, Sankaran S, Rambachan A, Croci R, Berven SH, Chou D, Holly LT, Guan Z.

Language barriers and postoperative opioid prescription use after total knee arthroplasty. Exploratory research in clinical and social pharmacy 2022.
Nguyen KH, Rambachan A, Ward DT, Manuel SP.

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Discharge Opioid Prescribing From a Hospital Medicine Service. Journal of hospital medicine 2021.
Rambachan A, Fang MC, Prasad P, Iverson N.

Racial Disparities in 7-Day Readmissions from an Adult Hospital Medicine Service. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 2021.
Rambachan A, Abe-Jones Y, Fernandez A, Shahram Y.

Market-Based Health Care in Specialty Surgery: Finding Patient-Centered Shared Value. 2015.
Smith TR, Rambachan A, Cote D, Cybulski G, Laws ER.

Contemporary national surgical outcomes in the treatment of ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Urology 2015.
Oberlin DT, McGuire BB, Pilecki M, Rambachan A, Kim JY, Perry KT, Nadler RB.

Surgical duration and risk of venous thromboembolism. JAMA surgery 2015.
Kim JY, Khavanin N, Rambachan A, McCarthy RJ, Mlodinow AS, De Oliveria GS, Stock MC, Gust MJ, Mahvi DM.

A systematic review of single-stage augmentation-mastopexy. Plastic and reconstructive surgery 2014.
Khavanin N, Jordan SW, Rambachan A, Kim JY.

Impact of resident involvement on urological surgery outcomes: an analysis of 40,000 patients from the ACS NSQIP database. The Journal of urology 2014.
Matulewicz RS, Pilecki M, Rambachan A, Kim JY, Kundu SD.

Aksharananda Rambachan, Richard S. Matulewicz, Matthew Pilecki, John YS. Kim, Shilajit Kundu.

Richard S. Matulewicz, Aksharananda Rambachan, Daniel T. Oberlin, John YS. Kim, Robert B. Nadler.

Risk factors for 30-day perioperative complications after Le Fort colpocleisis. The Journal of urology 2014.
Catanzarite T, Rambachan A, Mueller MG, Pilecki MA, Kim JY, Kenton K.

Predictors of readmission after inpatient plastic surgery. 2014.
Jain U, Salgado C, Mioton L, Rambachan A, Kim JY.

Abstract 41: increased anesthesia duration increases venous thromboembolism risk in plastic surgery: a six-year analysis of over 19,000 cases. Plastic and reconstructive surgery 2014.
Mlodinow AS, Khavanin N, Ver Halen JP, Rambachan A, Gutowski KA, Kim JY.

Impact of Operative Time on Perioperative Morbidity in Abdominal Myomectomy. 2014.
T. Catanzarite, S. Saha, A. Rambachan, J.Y. Kim, M. Milad.

Risk Factors for Perioperative Complications after Le Fort Colpocleisis. 2014.
T. Catanzarite, A. Rambachan, M. Mueller, M. Pilecki, J.Y. Kim, K. Kenton.

Predictors of readmission following outpatient urological surgery. The Journal of urology 2014.
Rambachan A, Matulewicz RS, Pilecki M, Kim JY, Kundu SD.

Predictors of readmission after outpatient plastic surgery. Plastic and reconstructive surgery 2014.
Mioton LM, Buck DW, Rambachan A, Ver Halen J, Dumanian GA, Kim JY.

The impact of surgical duration on plastic surgery outcomes. 2013.
Aksharananda Rambachan, Lauren M. Mioton, Sujata Saha, Neil Fine, John Y. S. Kim.

Increased Operative Time Is Associated with Higher Complication Rates in Plastic Surgery Patients. 2013.
Aksharananda Rambachan, Lauren M. Mioton, Sujata Saha, Neil Fine, Gregory Dumanian, John Y.S. Kim.

Predictors of Readmission after Outpatient Plastic Surgery. 2013.
Lauren M. Mioton, Donald W. Buck, Aksharananda Rambachan, Jon Ver Halen, Gregory A. Dumanian, John Y.S. Kim.

Supply of neuraminidase inhibitors related to reduced influenza A (H1N1) mortality during the 2009-2010 H1N1 pandemic: summary of an ecological study. 2013.
Miller PE, Rambachan A, Hubbard RJ, Li J, Meyer AE, Stephens P, Mounts AW, Rolfes MA, Penn CR.

Daniel Reiss, MD, PhD

The broadly conserved regulator PhoP links pathogen virulence and membrane potential in Escherichia coli. Molecular microbiology 2011.
Alteri CJ, Lindner JR, Reiss DJ, Smith SN, Mobley HL.

Alterations of Smad signaling in human breast carcinoma are associated with poor outcome: a tissue microarray study. Cancer research 2002.
Xie W, Mertens JC, Reiss DJ, Rimm DL, Camp RL, Haffty BG, Reiss M.

Anne Ritchie, MD

A multi-residency elective to address well-being as a systems issue. Medical teacher 2024.
Ritchie A, Ciccariello C, Teherani A, Thomas L.

Patient preferences and acceptable risk for computed tomography in trauma. Injury 2014.
Rodriguez RM, Henderson TM, Ritchie AM, Langdorf MI, Raja AS, Silverman E, Schlang J, Sloane B, Ronan CE, Anderson CL, Baumann BM.

Benjamin Rosner, MD, PhD

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS). JMIR medical informatics 2025.
Rosner B, Horridge M, Austria G, Lee T, Auerbach A.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2024.
Barker W, Maisel N, Strawley CE, Israelit GK, Adler-Milstein J, Rosner B.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting. Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing 2024.
Adler-Milstein J, Thombley R, Rosenthal S, Rosner B, Rogers S.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors. Journal of graduate medical education 2023.
Tierney AA, Rosner BI.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2022.
Wang MD, Rosner BI, Rosenbluth G.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record. Neurosurgery 2022.
Patel A, Mummaneni PV, Zheng J, Rosner BI, Thombley R, Sorour O, Theodosopoulos PV, Aghi MK, Berger MS, Chang EF, Chou D, Manley GT, DiGiorgio AM.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback. Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2022.
Rosner BI, Zwaan L, Olson APJ.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students
2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22 Digital Medicine 2022.
Yang KX, Rosner BI, Chan SR, Brindis RG, Lee TM, Khanna RR, Auerbach AD..

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2021.
Benjamin I Rosner, Joseph C Kvedar, Julia Adler-Milstein.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2021.
Rosner BI, Kvedar JC, Adler-Milstein J.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner Digital Biomarkers 2020.
Rosner BI, Morozov M, Andoni A.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner. Digital Biomarkers 2020.
Rosner BI, Morozov M, Andoni A.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer. Digital Biomarkers 2020.
Andoni A, Ramedani S, Rosner BI, Sawyer A.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer Digital Biomarkers 2020.
Andoni A, Ramedani S, Rosner BI, Sawyer A.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use Journal of the American College of Surgeons General Surgery 2020.
Stulberg Jonah
Huang Reiping
Chao Susan Y
Wickline Victoria N
Schafer Willemjin
Ko Clifford Y
Rosner Benjamin.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool. Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR 2019.
Salem R, Hassan S, Lewandowski RJ, Grace K, Martin RCG, Sichlau MJ, Fung J, Kim E, Chao S, Rosner BI.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence. Digital Biomarkers 2019.
Van Winkle B, Solad Y, Vaswani N, Rosner BI.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study. Journal of medical Internet research 2018.
Rosner BI, Gottlieb M, Anderson WN.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties. The Journal of arthroplasty 2017.
Rosner BI, Gottlieb M, Anderson WN.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major Journal of General Practice 2016.
Benjamin Rosner.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients. Health affairs (Project Hope) 2012.
Gray B, Schuetz CA, Weng W, Peskin B, Rosner B, Lipner RS.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population. Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2010.
Dinh TA, Rosner BI, Atwood JC, Boland CR, Syngal S, Vasen HF, Gruber SB, Burt RW.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation. Experimental neurology 2005.
Rosner BI, Hang T, Tranquillo RT.

An Ontology for Digital Medicine Outcomes: Development of the Digital Medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS)., A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces., Assessing Equitable Adherence to the Age-Friendly Health System's 4Ms Framework in an Academic Inpatient Setting., Clinical Assessment of Residents: A Survey of Clinician Educators Regarding Resident Assessment Burden and Modifiable Factors., Where Is the Digitally Silent Provider? Development and Validation of a Team-Centered Electronic Health Record Attribution Model for Supervising Residents., On-Call Junior Neurosurgery Residents Spend 9 hours of Their On-Call Shift Actively Using the Electronic Health Record., Imagining the future of diagnostic performance feedback., Implementation of a Digital Health Curriculum for Healthcare Students 2022. Vol 8, Issue 1, p 22, Patient Generated Health Data Earn a Seat at the Table:Clinical Adoption During the Covid-19 Transition to Telemedicine, Patient-generated health data earn a seat at the table: clinical adoption during the COVID-19 transition to telemedicine., Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner, Digital Health, Telehealth, and Primary Care Post-COVID: A Discussion with Kim Boyd and Joe Kvedar, Moderated by Benjamin Rosner., NODE. Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with Eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer., NODE.Health Meeting Report and Panel Discussion - The FDA's Changing Regulatory Landscape for Digital Health Technologies and Digital Health Innovation during COVID-19: A Discussion with eric Topol and Bakul Patel, Moderated by Aenor Sawyer, Leveraging a Digital Care Platform to Drive Quality Improvement in Postoperative Opioid Medication Use, Quality of Life after Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using a Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Tool., Navigating the Digital Health Ecosystem to Bridge the Gap from Innovation to Transformation: A NODE. Health Perspective on Digital Evidence., Accuracy of Internet-Based Patient Self-Report of Postdischarge Health Care Utilization and Complications Following Orthopedic Procedures: Observational Cohort Study., Effectiveness of an Automated Digital Remote Guidance and Telemonitoring Platform on Costs, Readmissions, and Complications After Hip and Knee Arthroplasties., Mandating Value: Medical Conversations in B Major, Physicians' actions and influence, such as aggressive blood pressure control, greatly improve the health of diabetes patients., Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population., Schwann cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen gels: evidence for differential mechano-transduction and the influence of TGF-beta 1 in morphological polarization and differentiation., Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. --> Rational design of contact guiding, neurotrophic matrices for peripheral nerve regeneration. Annals of biomedical engineering 2003.
Rosner BI, Siegel RA, Grosberg A, Tranquillo RT.